Friday, April 2, 2010


I just came back from Holy Thursday Eucharistic adoration.  My body aches from the waist down.  My knees and my lower back are screaming at me.  All I can think about is how much more pain more saviour was in when He suffered for me.  I deserve so much more (pain, that is) but He suffered it for me.  There is no way to express my thankfulness to Him.  Even the hour I spent with Him this evening seems totally inadequate.

I prayed and prayed, and just sat in the exquisite silence of the sanctuary.  Sitting up front you never have the problem of having someone block your view, or being distracted by their figetting.  At one point I think I may actually have experienced a brief glimpse of an ecstacy.  But it was kind of like that luxurious dream that makes you so happy that you immediately wake up, and you try to go back to that place again.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get back there once I thought about it too much.  The experience took my breath away.  No one can ever convince me that my Lord was not there with me.

As I said prayed the 20 mysteries of the Rosary, I could see each one in the shadows reflected in the Host.  Jesus seemed to be reinacting the mysteries right there for me.  I know it may sound a little strange to some, but it is a "you had to be there" moment I will cherish for a long time.

Anyway, one more sad day of remembrance tomorrow.  My daughter wants to see the Passion of the Christ.  She has never seen it before.  I said we could watch it on Good Friday.  I hope it is not too intense for my soft hearted 9 yo.  Actually, I should also be worried about my 11 yo--they don't come any soft-hearted than he.  It may be too much for Him.  We'll see if we can use it as a meditation and not tramatize anyone. 

God Bless you all on this Good Friday.

Pictures:  Top, Monstrance containing the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  Right, the Ecstacy of St. Catherine of Siena.

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