Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Odyssey

Our odyssey began last Monday.  My daughter woke up with a great deal of pain in her right ankle.  I didn't think much of it.  Kids get mysterious aches and pains; they go away.  Tuesday she thought the pain was subsiding and I thought that I was right in thinking it was nothing.  However, her pain increased again later in the day and she got a fever.  Then I worried.

I got an appointment at the medical clinic Wednesday morning--a miracle itself.  The doctor ran blood tests and had an x-ray taken.  She didn't see anything in the labs at that time and nothing on the x-ray.  So, she sent us home with the diagnosis of a possible sprain and said the fever was probably just coincidental.  I treated her pain with Motrin and her fever with Tylenol (no, not at the same time).  Her pain and periodic fevers continued on Thursday and I tried not to worry about it.

Then comes Friday...the doctor called our house.  She asked if we could bring my daughter in for more tests.  They took more blood, because the culture they had taken on Wed. showed staph in her blood.  We also had to go to another clinic for an MRI.  The doctor still wasn't sure that it was anything serious.  So, we get a call about 4pm.  The doctor told us to take her to the Children's Hospital.  She had significant swelling inside her leg.  At this point my daughter's leg was so painful she could not even walk on it.  She was checked into the hospital Friday about 5pm.  We've been here ever since.  She's had another x-ray, her blood drawn four times, an IV put in Friday to receive her IV anti-biotics and now had a central line put in today. 

We will be going home tomorrow--a full week in the hospital.  I've spent every day here and rather neglected the boys.  It is wonderful that she has such a great big brother.  He's had to take care of two of his siblings and two dogs all week.  One sibling is at camp, so that is somewhat of a relief.  He's done a great job.  The house actually looks pretty good.  I just hope I can convey to my sons how proud I am that they behaved, got along, fed the dogs, and took care of each other. 

I want to send a thank you out there to all my friends and family that prayed for Clare.  Our odyssey isn't quite over, she has weeks of IV anti-biotic therapy ahead, but our hospital stay comes to an end tomorrow. 

Thank you to Desiree, RN, Deb, RN, Dr. J. Davis, Dr. Knapp, Dr. Davis, Elizabeth, Lindsey, RN, Brittani, Yen, Dr. Balan, and all the other nurses, nurse assistants, and doctors who were so kind and gentle with Clare.  I appreciate all that you do but I hope not to see you again very soon.  God bless you all.  

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